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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Departamento de Matemática

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Welcome to the Mathematics Department at the Federal University of Ceará, Brazil.

For old news, past events, visit our former website:

The Department of Mathematics of the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) is one of the country’s pioneers in the teaching of undergraduate and graduate degrees of mathematics, as well as in the research in the various fields of pure and applied mathematics. Since their creation in the sixties, our programs of undergraduate and master’s degrees promote wide dissemination of mathematical knowledge across the region, becoming a center for the interchange of students and researchers, both Brazilian and foreigners.

As a result of a constant effort of training, the existence of a critical mass of researchers provided perfect conditions for the creation, in 1995, of our PhD program. Shortly after, our Graduate Program in Mathematics established itself as a competitive and well-qualified academic-scientific center, attending a vast demand and prolifically producing dissertations, theses, scientific articles and books of excellent quality, complying with the most rigorous quantitative and qualitative requirements of evaluation and of financing organs.

The faculty of the Department of Mathematics currently consists of 43 professors. Of these, 28 are part of the Graduate faculty, 19 of whom have research productivity fellowships from CNPq, 8 of these being Researchers Level 1.

The quality of our faculty and of our graduate programs is reflected in the fact that a significant majority of the over 300 masters and 100 doctors formed so far is now ahead of other institutions of higher education, at times as leaders of research groups, at times as promoters of activities of scientific divulgation and inclusion.

The scientific production of PGMAT-UFC is arguably one of the most important results of our graduate. It is important to highlight the excellence of theses, which led to several articles published in highly selective journals.

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